Peerless High Rye Named Top 100 Whiskeys for 2023


“This year’s Top 100 Whiskeys represents the new-aged American whiskeys that are dominating the market.

Gone are the days of Straight Bourbon owning the shelves. Now, Blends of Straights and barrel finishes garner consumer love. And this list is loaded with these two categories. But I do worry that this welcomed trend is bringing in newcomers who simply do not know whiskey; thus, there are far too many Blends of Straights, Stave & Barrel Finish products that not only don’t make this list, but are not selling and hurting the health of the American whiskey category.

We are also seeing the celebrity wave of whiskey, and they often just sit on shelves, collecting dust. That’s because consumers do not care how many Instagram followers one has; is the whiskey good? I want to reward good whiskey, not money-grabs.”